

This section will show you how to upload records to the NADRE repository through curl command and some sample php script.

All the examples are colleted in the submit folder, you can find them in the github repository (link). This folder consists of four subfolders:

  1. /asset folder contains the sample objects used in the examples;
  2. /curl folder consists of some .md files that have the command to perform to upload file to the OAR repository and the expected output;
  3. /php folder has a set of simple php scripts to upload files to NADRE repository;
  4. /xml folder contains the MARCXML files that describe the resources are going to be uploaded.


The cURL example are stored in the github repository curl subfolder. It has several <digital-object> files with curl command to upload image, dataset, publication, etc. and the expected output repository will return. Then it contains also a Pyhton script ( to generate a DOI based on the system timestamp, is mandatory, before to upload any digital object to the repository, performing this script to reserve a valid DOI and replace it in the corresponding <digital-object>-submission-to-OAR.xml inside the /xml folder.

Image upload

From the downloaded github repository folder, change to the /submit/curl/ sub-folders with:

nadre-tutorial-master$ cd submit/curl

To upload an image, for example, to the NADRE repository, you can refer to the file shown below.

curl -T ../xml/image-submission-to-OAR.xml -A invenio_webupload -H "Content-Type: application/marcxml+xml"
[INFO] bibupload batchupload --insert /opt/invenio/var/tmp-shared/batchupload_20161122(...)

That contains the curl command to perform and the expected output.

Step 1: Create new DOI

First of all, you have to create a new DOI executing the script, as follows:

nadre-tutorial-master/submit/curl$ python

Step 2: Edit XML file

Now edit the ../xml/image-submission-to-OAR.xml file with your favourite editor. As example:

  1. edit the placeholder in the tag="024" with the DOI generated above
  <record xmlns="">
    <datafield tag="024" ind1="7" ind2=" "> <!-- DIGITAL OBJECT IDENTIFIER -->
      <subfield code="a">replace-with-valid-DOI</subfield>
      <subfield code="2">DOI</subfield>
  1. edit the publication date in the tag="260"
    <datafield tag="260" ind1=" " ind2=" "> <!-- PUBLICATION, DISTRIBUTION, ETC. -->
      <subfield code="c">2016-11-22</subfield> <!-- c: Date of publication -->
  1. the image main author in the tag="100" (use the tag="700" for other authors), specifing the
    • Author name in code="a"
    • Affiliation in code="v"
    • Country in code="w"
    • ORCID in code="j"
    <datafield tag="100" ind1=" " ind2=" "> <!-- MAIN ENTRY PERSONAL NAME -->
      <subfield code="a">John Smith</subfield>
      <subfield code="v">University of City</subfield>
      <subfield code="w">Italy</subfield>
      <subfield code="j">0000-0002-5532-8201</subfield>
  1. then specify the publication keywords in the tag="653", you can create several tag="653" as many as keywords you want specify
    <datafield tag="653" ind1="1" ind2=" "> <!-- KEYWORDS -->
      <subfield code="a">Sci-GaIA</subfield>
    <datafield tag="653" ind1="1" ind2=" "> <!-- KEYWORDS -->
      <subfield code="a">Science Gateway</subfield>
  1. another important filed you have to edit is the tag="FFT" that represents where the resource can be found
    <datafield tag="FFT" ind1="" ind2=" ">
      <subfield code="a"></subfield>


Have a look at this link to know more about MARCXML tag meaning.

Step 3: Submit record

Once you completed to edit the xml file, perform the following command to actually upload the file:

curl -T ../xml/image-submission-to-OAR.xml \ \
-A invenio_webupload -H "Content-Type: application/marcxml+xml"

If everything’s went well it returns something like:

[INFO] bibupload batchupload --insert /opt/invenio/var/tmp-shared/batchupload_20161122(...)

an email will inform NADRE repository administrators of your your new submission then, after they review it, will actually publish the new record on the OAR.


This section shows you how to upload file to NADRE repository through simple PHP scripts. PHP examples are stored in the github repository /php here. It contains several <digital-object>-submission-to-OAR.php files with demostrative php code, that uses the php Client URL library to upload resources. As we saw in the previous section, is mandatory to generate a DOI, to do so you can use script in /curl folder, while the xml filer that describe the resources are located in the /xml one.

Presentation upload

From the downloaded github repository folder, change to the /submit/php/ sub-folders with:

nadre-tutorial-master$ cd submit/php

Now we will see how to upload a presentation, to the NADRE repository, so you can refer to the presentation-submission-to-OAR.php file shown below.

if (count($argv) <= 1) {
  exit("API endpoint miss, could not continue.\n");
$url_path_str = 'http://'.$argv[1].'/batchuploader/robotupload/insert';
$file_path_str = '../xml/presentation-submission-to-OAR.xml';

$headers = [
    'Content-Type: application/marcxml+xml',
    'User-Agent: invenio_webupload'
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ''.$url_path_str.'');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PUT, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
$fh_res = fopen($file_path_str, 'r');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INFILE, $fh_res);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, filesize($file_path_str));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$curl_response_res = curl_exec ($ch);
echo $curl_response_res;

As you can see it accept a parameter that is the repository hostname and will notify the user if no hostname is specified.

Step 1: Create new DOI

See Step 1: Create new DOI

Step 2: Edit XML file

Now edit the ../xml/presentation-submission-to-OAR.xml file with your favourite editor. See Step 2: Edit XML file to edit the MARCXML tags as you need

Step 3: Submit record


To actually submit the new record we will use PHP form the command line interface, you can install it using the packaged distribution of php-cli for ypu operating system.

As example for an Ubuntu based machine you can install php-cli with the following command

sudo apt-get install php5-cli

Once you finished to edit the XML file you can submit the new presentation using the following command

php presentation-submission-to-OAR.php

The output you’ll get, if everything went well, is the same you saw in previous section and at the same way the administrator will receive an email to notify that a new record have to be revised to be published.